Change the Way You Date and Go Out

Can NOT Dating Improve Your Dating?

Does Your Jealousy Keep You Single?

Is Your Dating Story Serving You?

Stop apologizing for who you are.

Taking Off My Social Media Mask

3 Things I Want As A Man

Are You An Appreciation Junkie?

5 Reasons Why Men Should Cry More

Had a blast reading your post Mike! I was in class what caused me problems. First of all I was not in the last roll so possibly the guy behind me also read your post. As I couldn’t laugh I had an awkward smile in my face. Than I needed to google some inch/centimeters conversion tool…as I didn’t want to guess about something so important… you have international readers my friend! So my conclusion is: “More important than having a big, average or small size is what you can or cannot do with it”. You need to know how to use it well!

When you said you were going to talk about penises, I didn’t think you meant literally! Bwahahaha.

Seriously, I want to see a penis wheeze. The visual! Ahahaha. Oh, wearing a turtleneck and wheezing :D

Okay, to the question. I guess I’ve only met the ‘normal’ ones. Although this girlfriend has a story about a Chip N Dales in Windsor. A point for the Canadians. I’m on the knowing how to use it bandwagon myself.

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